Therapeutic Riding and Off-Track Rehabilitation


T.R.O.T.R. conducts multiple programs for people of all ages with all levels of ability and interest.

Riding has proven to be a highly motivational and educational way for students to improve their physical, emotional and social functions, as they gain self-confidence on one of our gentle horses.

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Adaptive Lessons

Adaptive Riding involves a certified instructor, with trained volunteers, assisting riders to achieve therapeutic and other life goals.


Riding Lessons

T.R.O.T.R. offers instruction for basic horsemanship and recreational English or Western riding.


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Enrichment Programs

Our enrichment programs teach children empathy, teamwork, and problem-solving through activities like animal care, gardening, and building projects, fostering independence and strong peer relationships.

Our Instructors

Our skilled and patient instructors are dedicated to teaching each student at a pace suited to their individual abilities, ensuring they not only learn to ride effectively but also enjoy the process. Above all, we prioritize the safety of both our riders and horses.

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